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Vitamins for Hair, Skin, and Nails
Vitamins for Hair, Skin, and Nails

As we all know, there are 13 types of vitamins known, and each one has a distinguished use and requirement in our body. 

The role of vitamins is as simple as fighting infections and healing wounds, but that’s not all. 

Vitamins do more than one knows or can imagine.

In fact, the lack of vitamins is pretty noticeable and is the cause of many small issues you face in your daily life. 

Vitamins play a huge part in keeping your body healthy and nourished, especially when it comes into contact with the external environment. 

Today, the number of humans you will find deficient in various vitamins is definitely higher than the number of humans with sufficient amounts of the same. 

Let’s get into a detailed study of how vitamins affect each part of the body. 

The Role of Vitamins in Skin Health

Vitamins for Skin Health
Vitamins for Skin Health

Starting with the most sensitive organ of our body, our skin. 

The health of our organs, like our skin, strictly depends on the kind of food we eat and a properly balanced diet, which is recommended. 

But aside from the diet we consume, there is a part of our health that is dependent on the level of vitamins we have in our body. 

Each vitamin has its own properties and uses for each part of our body. Let’s understand the five most important vitamins for our skin and what they do.

Following are some of the best vitamins for women, and men.

Vitamin A

This vitamin is widely known to promote cell turnover in our skin, which results in smoothness and a nourished complexion.

It also encourages the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is a protein that is specifically responsible for the elasticity and structure of the skin. 

Vitamin C

As a cogent antioxidant, this vitamin assists in the protection of the skin from free-radicle-caused damage.

Free radicles are unstable atoms with unaired valence, they are harmful to the skin and are specifically responsible for speeding the aging process. 

It is one of the water-soluble vitamins and can easily be found in fruits and vegetables, although it cannot be synthesized endogenously. 

Vitamin C is also responsible for clearing fine lines and wrinkles by boosting collagen and promoting firmness. 

Vitamin E

This vitamin is also known as a healer of cell and tissue damage. It has the ability to protect the skin from oxidative damage, which is caused by UV radiation and pollution.

Vitamin E is also responsible for moisturizing dry skin and maintaining elasticity.

Vitamin D

It is widely known for its benefits for bone health, but aside from that, it is also very vital for skin health. 

It has a critical role in the regulation of skin cell growth and can help with conditions like psoriasis, which is when your immune system is on overdrive, which leads to the quick multiplication of skin cells

A common symptom of this is patches of flaky, inflamed skin on your elbows, knees, and scalp. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K focuses on removing dark circles and bruises under the eyes. They also play a role in regulating proper blood clotting.

What are the Best Vitamins for Hair Growth?

The formation of hair does not directly relate to vitamins, as hair is nothing but dead cells. But hair growth and hair fall can be symptoms of various vitamin deficiencies. 

Adequate intake of the said vitamins can be a stepping stone to stopping hair loss and growing hair naturally. 

To understand what is causing your hair loss or extremely slow hair growth, you have to understand the signs your body is giving you. We will discuss this later in the blog. 

Let us first know the five best vitamins for hair growth.

Vitamin A

Sebum is an oil-like greasy substance that is produced by the sebaceous gland in between the layers of your skin and scalp. It is a natural substance that nourishes and moisturizes your skin and scalp and prevents dryness.

Vitamin A encourages the production of sebum, and an adequate amount of it can do wonders for your hair. But excess of it can be harmful.  

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

This vitamin is widely used in hair supplements as it is one of the most beneficial elements for hair growth. 

It assists in the conversion of nutrients into energy and supports the production of a protein that constructs the structure of hair, called keratin.

Vitamin C

Aside from skin, collagen is also a wonderful phenomenon for hair, as it is the protein that strengthens the hair strands.

And vitamin C, being the crucial Vitamin in the production of collagen, is a very important antioxidant. One whose deficiency can be rather costly for your hair.

The vitamin also helps in absorbing iron, which leads to healthy hair growth. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect the hair follicles from damage. It is also responsible for better blood circulation on the scalp, which promotes hair growth. 

Vitamin B- Complex

The vitamin B complex is consistent with B3 niacin. B5 pantothenic acid, B6, and B12 The preceding vitamins are considered crucial for the maintenance of healthy hair. They maintain the production of red blood cells and oxygen delivery in the scalp, which leads to hair growth. 

What is the Balanced Diet for Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails?

Balanced Diet
Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is considered the solution to all bodily problems. For a good and healthy life, maintaining a balanced diet is extremely important. 

Some of the elements to include in your balanced diet that can directly improve the health of your skin, hair, and nails are mentioned below. 

Follow them thoroughly to see a noticeable change in the quality of your skin, hair, and nails.



Hair and nails are primarily made of protein. So including this in your diet can directly benefit the growth of your hair and nails and improve their quality.


Meat, Fish, Eggs, Dairy Products, Tofu, Tempeh, etc. are some of the best sources of protein that you must include in your daily diet. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Aside from improving the quality of your skin, it also looks after scalp health and hair growth. This deficiency is one of the key reasons why your hair isn’t shiny and thick. 


Fish like salmon, sardines, etc. are the best sources of fatty acids. Some of the vegetarian sources of fatty acids include flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and avocados.

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is mainly known for helping in the production of a protein called collagen, which is a wonderful help in hair and skin health, especially in improving their growth rate and quality.  


Strawberry, Kiwi, and leafy vegetables are great sources of vitamin C for your body. 

Vitamin E


Vitamin E is the guardian and defender of our skin when it comes to free radicles (unstable, unpaired atoms). 


Hop on over to eat some nuts, spinach, and broccoli to cover that deficiency of vitamin E. 



Biotin supports lustrous hair and strong nails. Another name for biotin is B7. 


Mostly found in sweet potatoes, avocados, nuts, seeds, and eggs. Don’t forget to add some of these to your regular diet. 



Zinc is well known to control oil and improve skin and scalp health. It is also crucial for hair growth. 


Oysters, nuts, beef, poultry, nuts, whole grains, etc. can easily satisfy the zinc requirement in your body.  



When your body has too many free radicles and not enough antioxidants to get rid of them. This condition of unstable molecules is called oxidative stress

Consumption of antioxidants can fight them, help reduce this issue, and protect your skin. 


Spinach, kale, carrots, tomatoes, etc.all these colorful vegetables and fruits are good sources of antioxidants. 

Besides all the nutrients, don’t forget water; hydration is equally important to the body and must always be taken care of. A normal body should have about 8–10 glasses of water daily

If you cannot maintain a balanced diet, you can still have balanced nutrients by taking supplements of these vitamins and minerals to satisfy your body’s needs. 

Foods to Avoid For Healthy Skin and Hair

Just like there are some things you should include in your diet, There are some you should strictly avoid to keep your body as healthy as possible. 


Sugar is one of the best slow poisons found in the world, and the best part is that it is widely consumed among humans on a daily basis. 

Most people don’t even know what kind of damage they are doing to their bodies by actively consuming sugar. 

Speaking of the hair and body, sugar supports inflammation in the body, which deteriorates the quality as well as the health of the skin and hair. 

Sweetened drinks, pastries, sweets, candies, sodas, etc. are all part of the whole sugar industry that you should definitely avoid at all costs. 

Processed foods

Processed food is designed with preservatives, unhealthy fats, artificial additives, and an extremely high level of sodium to maintain its shelf life, taste, and other factors. 

Frequent consumption of processed foods can be extremely bad for your health, as they do little to satisfy a body’s nutrient requirements

Secondly, the chemicals and artificial additives used in it can harm your body. They can be the root cause of obesity and other lifelong health troubles. 

Trans fats

Trans fats are those fats that are synthetically created and are mostly found in processed, fried, or commercially baked foods. 

Among all types of fat, this is the type of dietary fat that is considered the worst. 

It is extremely unhealthy to consume and is the best source of cholesterol and heart trouble. 

The US government has banned companies from using this in their products, but it is still used in a few. 

Excessive alcohol

Alcohol is warm in nature, and excess consumption can dehydrate your body. It can create an imbalance between nutrients and vitamins. It can dry up your skin and lead to dilated vessels. 

A light amount of alcohol consumption can be normal, but drinking too much can cause redness and strip your hair, skin, and other parts of your body of all hydration. 

They also damage other organs in your body, so avoiding alcohol could be a good way to save your body from critical damage. 

What are the benefits of Taking Skin, Nail, and Hair Vitamins?

Vitamins for Hair, Skin and Nails
Vitamins for Hair, Skin, and Nails

Skin, nail, and hair vitamins will have abundant benefits, some of which are mentioned below. 

  • They will improve the health of your hair, nails, and skin.
  • They will provide better-quality hair, skin, and nails.
  • They will strengthen them.
  • The growth of all hair and nails will increase noticeably. 
  • It would fill in all your body deficiencies that are related to your troubles. 
  • Consuming these vitamins will help support the health of your organs and dead cells. 
  • These vitamins can address specific concerns and cure them.
  • It would fill the nutrition gap in your body. 
  • They will support the hydration of all three.

These are some of the many benefits of taking vitamins for hair, skin, and nails. 

How To Choose Vitamins For Hair, Nails, and Skin

You all must have asked this question a couple of times: what vitamins should I take?

And you must have always received vague answers, which helped you with nothing. 

Well, I would like advice here; why ask if you can find this out yourself? 

Understanding and choosing the right vitamins for your hair, nails, and skin is not that tough. In a few simple steps, you will understand what you need and how you should get it. 


  1. Understand your body’s requirements, and always keep in mind that your body communicates with you in the form of signs and symptoms.
  1. You can either consult a professional or note down all the things you see that look unhealthy and worrisome. 
  1. After you are done, do some quick research and understand what the symptoms indicate and what are telling you about what is missing in your body. 
  1. Once you understand what all your body requirements are, make a list of them. 
  1. Tally the elements in the list with your regular diet and see if your diet is sufficient to cure the inadequacy. 
  1. Look for sources that can help; they can be in the form of natural ingredients as well as supplements. 
  1. Once you are done, make a routine list, including how you fit those vitamin sources into your everyday life. 
  1. Follow this routine thoroughly until you see change.
  1. Once your symptoms are healed and your body is completely cured of the deficiency, you can stop consuming those sources of vitamins.

Do Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins Have Side Effects?

Usually, there are no side effects from consuming hair, skin, and nail vitamins. 

But sometimes you might face issues like upset stomach, constipation diarrhea, etc. 

If the side effect dies down in a few days, you are good to go, but if symptoms like these are constant, you must visit a professional for consultation and proper guidance.


Here we have discussed what we can do to get thick, strong hair, glass skin, and strong, healthy nails. 

How can we avoid deteriorating their health and instead increase its quality? 

I have also mentioned a step-by-step process for how you can find what vitamins you need and get the best help for your body. 

If you still have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below. 

We would love to hear what you think about this topic and if you have any suggestions to make. So feel free to reach out. 

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